Anna Nugent

ARCHANGEL is a character-driven, challenging detective-led drama series created and written by Lindsay J Sedgwick; as much a ‘why’ as a ‘whodunnit.’

At its heart is a complex woman, REBECCA Gabriel. Drawn to the perpetrators of the crimes she investigates, she has a tendency to create her own rules as she goes along rather than risk losing a case. She has an ability to empathise with the minds of the perpetrators. This ability is a risky one. It threatens her life, her sanity and her career at various stages and to various degrees.

Cast includes: Clodagh Bowyer, Kevin Collins, Terry Donnelly, John Keating, Larry Lowry, Mick Mellamphy, Nicola Murphy, Anna Nugent, Paul Nugent, Laoisa Sexton, Aimee Tedesco and more to come…

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