In Your Head
Oh to be fully in my heart and not so wrapped up in my head. This week has been full of reminders to get out of my head and into my body, to get in touch with my instincts and intuition. I don’t know why some people find it so easy to “lead from the […]
Shrinking Apology

The shrinking apology is my goal. That is, I want to stop apologising, especially in ways that cause me to shrink. See, I want everyone to know that I know my own faults before they judge me. For some reason, I think that they will judge softer when they know that this isn’t my best […]
The Joy of Farkel
Perhaps this title is a bit of a misnomer, because it isn’t just the fun of Farkel — and don’t get me wrong, it is very fun — but the spirit in which you play that makes it so joyful. For those of you not in the know (I played it for the first time […]
Dear Fellow Creators
Dear fellow Creators, First, I just want to say thank you! Thank you for being brave, for following your heart and having the conviction to carry on when the world around you plays by different rules. Sometimes it can feel like you are swimming upstream, but truly you are in the flow. You are in […]
Fool’s Gold

“All that glitters is not gold” I woke up a few weeks ago with this topic on my heart, I’m sure what I had to say that day was very profound, but unfortunately I didn’t have the time to write it, so now I sit wondering what my realization was. I think that it is […]
Founding Family

It is such a great pleasure watching someone share what they love. This week Paul and I had the opportunity to see DUBLIN BY LAMPLIGHT, a Corn Exchange Production, on the Abbey stage. It is the first time that we’ve watched a full production in the redesigned auditorium from up the top. And what a […]
Nothing to Compare

It is so easy when you are feeling at sea to start to compare your life to others. Others who are your same age or gender or in the same field or doing something altogether different than you. It is so easy to be able to look at someone else and to see what you […]
Need Want Desire Prefer

Want (v) “have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.” Desire (v) “strongly wish for or want (something).” Need (v) “require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable.” or “expressing necessity or obligation.” Prefer (v) “like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose.” […]
Producing Love

How does one keep love in mind, at the forefront of everything one does? I would love to say that I have an answer to that question or better yet, that I’ve been able to do it. But I don’t. I think at best it is an intention that manifests in the little actions we […]
Home Sweet Home

What is home? You’ve heard that “home is where your heart is” or maybe where you’re born. Maybe it is where you grew up or where you live now. Some find home in other people or in a feeling. I’m not sure I know exactly what it is, but I know for sure that I’m […]