Why I Love British Theatre

To be honest the reasons I love British Theatre are many and varied. From the standpoint of an actress, I like the professionalism: that at least from the outside it appears to be respected as a craft, that for the most part the actors don’t take themselves too seriously and that there is a high […]
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

The first time I saw mountains I was riding on a train from Sweden to Switzerland, heading for Spain. At first the Alps appeared just as clouds in the distance, but as we got closer I could see them clearly and what an awesome sight they were! Even from a train the majesty of the […]
An Annie Baker Month

Okay, so it wasn’t really a full month of Annie Baker, but two of the handful of shows my husband and I went to during August were hers. Which is a pretty high percentage for any playwright, besides Shakespeare. We saw both THE FLICK at Barrow Street Theatre and JOHN at Signature. I had previously […]
My Creativity Reinvigorated by Stories

There came a time about eight years into my professional acting career when I was craving the safety and creativity of play. Somewhere along the line my sense of play disappeared in favor of my professionalism and pursuit of my “career.” I had lost perspective and the connection to why I love to do the […]
London Theatre Sparks My Heart

My husband and I recently spent some time in England, ending our visit with three days in London, binging on theatre. Such a pleasure! The city has changed a lot since I was last there 12 or 13 years ago, especially the skyline on the Thames, but of course there are some things that never […]
The McGowan Trilogy UK Premiere

So thrilled to be part of the UK Premiere of Seamus Scanlon’s The McGowan Trilogy, starring Paul Nugent. This production was a collaboration between Kino Teatr of St. Leonards on Sea and the cell of New York City (Founding Artistic Director, Nancy Manocherian). Additionally we had the pleasure of being the first production in the […]
It’s a Fine Day by Mayumi Lane

It is such a pleasure to be working with the talented Jes Bedwinek, Celine Rosenthal and Mayumi Lane. It’s a Fine Day is part of the 10-minute play festival “Central Park Plays” produced by HB Studios. June 25-28

I was so excited to have my new play read as part of The Puzzle, a theatre festival at the historic Marble Church! This was the very first public reading and we were able to workshop the piece with actors during the lead up. The play was written from 13 interviews that I conducted over […]
Inside Danny’s Box – reading at Ireland House

June 11 at Glucksman Ireland House – we had a great time! Brian Reager directed, with Paul Nugent as Danny, Orlagh Cassidy, David Gale, Matthew Golden and Kevin Marron.
She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry in my hometown!

So excited that She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry is playing in my hometown, Madison, WI starting April 17 and to make things even better it is also playing in Grand Rapids, MI where I went to college. Thrilled that this fabulous documentary is making its way through the country!