Returning to the Familiar
This past week Paul and I have been doing a mini-tour of Seamus Scanlon’s The Long Wet Grass. In early October we shot the short film version that will be released in 2017. And years ago in INKubator at Art House in Jersey City we read the script aloud for the first time. We have […]
Singing in the Spring * Art House at Two Boots *
Me, Elena Zazanis, Amanda Levie & Christine Goodman sing away the night!
Something to Remember Me By * Art House Productions * Jersey City
Something to Remember Me By by Christine Goodman Art House Productions With: Paul Bauer, Daniela Dragomir, Anna Nugent*, Paul Nugent*, Kit Vogelsang, Megan Wagner, Todd Woodard* Directed by: Jack Halpin Stage Manager: Jessica Smith Lighting Design: Lance Michel Assistant Directors: Meagan Woods & Mason Beggs Costume Designer: Oren Misholy Sound Design: Michael Flinck Assistant Stage […]
Cabaret Workshop Spring 2012
The Theatre Company of Hoboken ran a one-day cabaret workshop at Art House Productions. I sang Now That I’ve Seen Her from Miss Saigon and a duet with the lovely Amy Elise de Jong – Take Me or Leave Me from Rent.
Ladies on the Mic * Feb 4 * 2012
Sang Bel Piacere by Handel With organizer and talented poet & photographer Beth Achenbach