Writing “Living Grace”

If you had told me a year ago that I would write a play in 6 weeks I would have laughed at you. I don’t think of myself as a writer. And a play? Come on, you need mad skills for that! Well, I would have been wrong. Working with the fabulous women’s group at […]

I was so excited to have my new play read as part of The Puzzle, a theatre festival at the historic Marble Church! This was the very first public reading and we were able to workshop the piece with actors during the lead up. The play was written from 13 interviews that I conducted over […]
The Puzzle @ Marble 2014

Had a blast playing Leila (the mamma) in Stinky Bird by Seth Freeman.
Marble 60s + Season Finale Show

So much fun being part of the revue show created by Gary Thompson for the senior group at Marble Collegiate Church. Not only did I get to co-host with Gary, but I also had the chance to do a scene with my pal playwright & actor Brian Hampton!