Fool’s Gold

“All that glitters is not gold” I woke up a few weeks ago with this topic on my heart, I’m sure what I had to say that day was very profound, but unfortunately I didn’t have the time to write it, so now I sit wondering what my realization was. I think that it is […]
Lucid Truths

The past two mornings as I’m coming into consciousness I’ve had the most delicious truths come to me. They are not earth shattering and not things I couldn’t know without these lucid moments, but there is something about the timing and arrival in my consciousness that gives them a full bodied veracity. Yesterday the truth […]
My Yang Boots

So I’ve been learning a lot about tuning into what gives me joy, what I truly like, what I want. It is funny – some desires are so very clear. And then some are limited before they are even fully formed. For years I had listed red cowboy boots as my reward for booking my […]