Anna Nugent

“All that glitters is not gold”

I woke up a few weeks ago with this topic on my heart, I’m sure what I had to say that day was very profound, but unfortunately I didn’t have the time to write it, so now I sit wondering what my realization was. I think that it is an important lesson in life, though, that “all that glitters is not gold”. Sometimes we grasp, gag, fumble about trying to get to what we perceive as the gold, the shiny reward. Only to find out when we get there that it is a cheap imitation of happiness, joy and success.

What is the fool’s gold in your life? Now, I’m not talking about those dreams that you have that come from deep, deep down, I’m talking about those wants that reside somewhere in the top of your chest that have the tickle of desperation. Those wants that have you saying “my precious” or “this is it, this is what I need to make me happy; all will be well once I get/acheive this”. That is the fool’s gold we’re talking about here. It is the “gold” that will lead you down a path of disappointment, because in your search for validity and worth all you will end up with is a shiny bit of rock and will feel no closer to where you want to be.

So how do we recognize the fool’s gold in our lives? With practice. By listening to your voice deep within, not that loud insistent voice right in your ear. By asking that voice questions to find out more about its validity. How would this “gold” serve you? It’s okay that sometimes we will get it wrong. Sometimes we will pursue a chunk of precious metal only to find out that we were duped. Yes, we will feel foolish and frustrated and perhaps ashamed, but that too is part of the learning. It helps us recognize the true gold from the fool’s gold. And when you start tuning in more and more to the truth, to the real gold, you will find yourself rich indeed. Not because you are gathering more things or showing off to the world just how fabulous you are, but because you will feel the worth in just being. You will feel the value in the truth. And a little bit of real gold goes a very long way.

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