Anna Nugent

Inspiring NEW Plays

This November the NEWvember New Plays Festival (which I co-produce) is celebrating its 5th year! Wow! In that time we’ve read thousands of plays and will be presenting our 30th new play reading this weekend (November 5-8). It is remarkable how much work goes into one weekend. Early in the year we go over the […]

The Families We Choose

Photograph of AboutFACE Company Members

Does anyone else crave family? I’m blessed to have been born into a pretty alright one, dysfunctional yes, but I have good relationships with my siblings and step-siblings and I love my parents. I feel loved and accepted (or at the very least tolerated) for who I am. I also married into another great family […]

Why I Love British Theatre

To be honest the reasons I love British Theatre are many and varied. From the standpoint of an actress, I like the professionalism: that at least from the outside it appears to be respected as a craft, that for the most part the actors don’t take themselves too seriously and that there is a high […]

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

The first time I saw mountains I was riding on a train from Sweden to Switzerland, heading for Spain. At first the Alps appeared just as clouds in the distance, but as we got closer I could see them clearly and what an awesome sight they were! Even from a train the majesty of the […]

My Creativity Reinvigorated by Stories

There came a time about eight years into my professional acting career when I was craving the safety and creativity of play. Somewhere along the line my sense of play disappeared in favor of my professionalism and pursuit of my “career.” I had lost perspective and the connection to why I love to do the […]